Monday, October 25, 2010

PM: Perhimpunan Agung Titik Permulaan Model Politik Baru

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 Okt – Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mahu Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2010 menjadi titik permulaan kepada budaya dan model baru politik Umno untuk lebih terbuka dan lebih inklusif.
Perdana Menteri berkata perhimpunan kali ini, selepas setahun Perlembagaan Umno dipinda, perlu disusuli dengan perubahan daripada segi budaya dan tindakan seluruh anggota parti.
“Peranan parti diakar umbi mesti bersifat inklusif dan dapat menunjukkan imej yang disenangi rakyat (dan) sentiasa dekat di hati rakyat (melalui) pelbagai aktiviti, dan kita dapat tunjukkan Umno merupakan pemudah cara dan pelopor kepada segala kegiatan di akar umbi,” katanya.
“Peranan parti diakar umbi mesti bersifat inklusif dan dapat menunjukkan imej yang disenangi rakyat (dan) sentiasa dekat di hati rakyat (melalui) pelbagai aktiviti, dan kita dapat tunjukkan Umno merupakan pemudah cara dan pelopor kepada segala kegiatan di akar umbi,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan amanatnya kepada anggota perwakilan di majlis tertutup Taklimat Presiden sempena Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2010 hari ini.
Dalam taklimatnya selama sejam itu, Najib berkata beliau menekankan cabaran-cabaran yang dilalui parti dan usaha pemulihan ekonomi negara yang telah berjaya ditangani.
Ditanya mengenai penerimaan anggota Umno terhadap usaha transformasi parti itu, Presiden Umno berkata perkara itu akan mengambil masa kerana ia melibatkan perubahan dalam diri anggota sendiri.
“Transformasi manusia memakan masa, transformasi fizikal mudah. Semua orang tahu transformasi manusia suatu yang amat mencabar, tetapi kita akan cuba melakukannya. Saya melihat ada yang respons, dan ada yang memakan masa lagi untuk menghayati sepenuhnya (transformasi itu).
“Tapi (kita) jangan kecewa sebab kita berurusan dengan manusia, dan manusia, tentu sekali amat mencabar untuk melakukan perubahan besar dalam masa yang singkat,” katanya.
Najib berkata beliau juga mengingatkan anggota parti supaya mengukuhkan perpaduan dalam menghadapi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 dan “kita akan mulakan perjalanan ini dengan usaha mengukuhkan parti kita, penyatuan di peringkat bahagian adalah amat penting dalam pengukuhan parti.”
Najib berkata Umno akan terus mempertahankan prinsipnya yang sentiasa bertimbang rasa dan adil kepada semua kaum.
“Ini satu prinsip yang kita pakai sejak dahulu, lagi sejak zaman (Perdana Menteri Pertama) Tunku (Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj) lagi dan kita amalkan prinsip yang sama, cuma yang berbeza ialah memperincikan strategi yang kita lakukan, tetapi prinsip dan falsafah adalah sama,” katanya.
Menjawab soalan mengenai pemilihan Parti Keadilan Rakyat di peringkat cabang yang kucar-kacir, manakala Umno pula bakal mengadakan pemilihan parti yang memperuntukkan jumlah pemilih yang ramai daripada sebelum ini, Najib berkata:
“Kita ada cara kita sendiri. Kita akan uruskan perkara ini. Kita sedar tidak mudah dan pandang ringan, tapi saya percaya ahli Umno akan menghormati disiplin dan tunjukkan imej yang baik.”-Bernama

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

kes Menara Jam Atkinson: Siapa yang patut meletak jawatan?

Hangat sekali isu yang ditimbulkan "KES Menara Jam Atkinson: Siapa yang patut meletak jawatan?"

Isu ini dibangkitkan oleh Datuk Rubin selaku Pengerusi LPPB terhadap Datuk Masidi, menteri yang bertanggungjawab berkenaan soal pelancongan, kebudayaan dan alam sekitar mengenai Pelan Pembangunan LPPB membina bangunan berdekatan dengan tapak sejarah "Menara Jam Atkinson".

Kenapa perlu beliau selaku pengerusi LPPB melenting hinggakan mengesa Datuk Masidi letak jawatan. itu satu statement kurang bijak & angkuh yang diutarakan sebagai orang politik yang pengalaman dan dihormati. Statement beliau amat melukai hati dan rakyat khususnya orang-orang dari Ranau. Kenyataan yang keterlaluan.

Kita setuju bahawa segala usaha yang dibuat oleh YB Datuk Masidi sebenarnya mencerminkan kepada penyataan ini, "Suara RAKYAT perlu dihargai. Kenyatan Datuk Masidi Manjun kepada AWAM adalah merupakan suara RAKYAT".

Tahniah Datuk Masidi & kami berbangga kepada ketegasan dan kepimpinan YB Datuk selaku menteri yang bertanggungjawab mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya demi mempertahankan warisan sejarah kita.

Ikuti penjelasan YB Datuk Masidi yang dipetik dari laman sosial Facebook berkenaan kenapa beliau menyatakan Pelan Pembangunan ini perlu di"Review" semula sebelum dilaksanakan. Satu penjelasan yang padat dan jelas.

  • Yesterday at 06:17 ·  · 

  • Masidi Manjun Datuk
    Terima kasih. Sya amat terharu dgn sokongan dan kata2 semangat sdr2 semua. Sebenarnya Kabinet sekadar 'endorse' secara prinsip setiap Pelan Pembangunan (DP). tertakluk kpd pematuhan kpd semua peraturan dan undang2. Pihak yg ada kuasa meluluskan DP ialah PBT, yakni DBKK.

    DBKK telah meluluskan DP tersebut tanpa mendapat kelulusan terlebih dahulu dpd Pengarah Muzium seperti yg disyaratkan dalam Enakmen Warisan Sejarah. Pengarah Muzium sebenarnya membantah projek ini. Enakmen Antikuiti melarang sebarang kerja2 mengorek, piling dll disekitar Tapak Warisan Sejarah. Laporan EIA utk projek ini juga belum pun diluluskan, tetapi DBKK awal2 meluluskan DP nya.

    Atas senerio diatas lah sya merasa brtanggungjawab utk membangkitkan semula isu kelulusan DP dlm Msyrt Kabinet pada 8.9.2010 bagi memastikan 'endorsement' awal Kabinet tidak dilihat sbg membelakangkan peraturan dan undang2 yg ada kaitan dgn DP projek ini, apatah lagi ia merupakan projek Kerajaan yg dilaksanakan melalui LPBB.

    Kabinet pada 8hb Sept bersetuju dgn cadangan sya agar kelulusan projek ini dipertimbangkan semula oleh Central Board bagi memastikan pematuhan 100 peratus kpd semua peraturan & undang2 yg berkaitan. Adalah sesuatu yg malang sekiranya Kerajaan meneruskan projek yg jelas belum melepasi syarat2 pembangunan yg diwajibkan kpd setiap pemaju.

    Jadi sya agak terkilan dgn kenyataan keras YB Dt Rubin kerana pendirian sya amat konsisten dgn keputusan Kabinet. Soal sya tdk berprinsip tdk timbul kerana prinsip utama seorang pemimpin ialah mematuhi undang2 & peraturan. Nobody is above the law.

Ikuti pandangan & komen rakan Facebook yang berkisar kepada isu kes ini, ikuti atau

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kaji semula kuota kerusi komponen BN…apa kata Dr Mahathir?


Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed menilai ada kebaikan dan ada keburukannnya jika dikaji semula kuota pembahagian kerusi kalangan komponen Barisan Nasional mengikut komposisi kaum di sesebuah kawasan pada pilihanraya umum akan datang.

Menjawab soalan Agendadaily semasa sidang media selepas Perhimpunan Melayu PERKASA Kelantan di pekarangan Stesen Keretapi Pasir Mas petang Sabtu bekas Perdana Menteri itu sebenarnya soal kuota itu tidak pernah menjadi masalah sejak dulu lagi dan ia cuma berbangkit baru-baru ini saja.

Beliau diminta mengulas pandangan sesetengah pihak bahawa kuota itu wajar disemak semula khususnya bagi kawasan yang jelas majoriti penduduknya orang Melayu.

Sekarang ini ada sebilangan kawasan yang penduduknya majoriti Melayu tetapi masa pilihanraya calon MCA,MIC atau Gerakan yang bertanding.

Ini yang adakalanya mencetuskan protes pengundi hingga mereka memangkah pembangkang.

Dr Mahathir berkata, “ianya ada kebaikan dan keburukannnya, kalau orang India sudah tentu tidak ada satupun kawasan yang mereka majoriti tapi kita sanggup bagi dan kita sokong manakala kaum India yang menjadi minoriti pula akan beri sokongan pada UMNO, MCA atau GERAKAN”.

Diminta mengulas lanjut tentang kenyataannya yang menganggap orang Melayu akan kehilangan kuasa sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat memerintah sebagai perkauman, Mahathir berkata, “itu kata mereka bukan kata saya.”

Beliau tetap mempertahankan pandangannya.Katanya, “saya menyatakan perkara yang benar, umpamanya di negeri Perak…pada satu ketika parti lawan menang dan menubuhkan kerajaan.Ikut undang-undang negeri Perak, Menteri Besar (MB) mestilah terdiri dari orang Melayu.

“Justeru itu PAS telah letak wakil rakyat mereka sebagai MB tapi jelas sekali MB ini ikut telunjuk DAP, sebab itu apabila MB itu jatuh…orang Cina bercakap mengenai kejatuhan ‘kerajaan Cina’…jadi mereka yang mengaku kata ini kerajaan Cina bukan kerajaan Pakatan …mereka akui sendiri, sebab itu mereka kata tidak akan sokong lagi BN kerana BN telah jatuhkan kerajaan Cina…”

Mengenai PRU 13, Mahathir memberitahu pandangannya lebih terpengaruh dengan maklumat yang diperolehinya.

“Orang Cina kata mereka tak dak sokongan pada BN… kenyataan ini mereka dibuat di mana saja, mereka tidak akan sokong BN.

“Kita dapati kalau UMNO umpamanya tidak menolak PERKASA, UMNO tidak dapat sokongan dari orang Cina…dengan orang Melayu pun tak dapat maka UMNO akan kalahlah, sebab itu sekarang ini mereka terpaksa melayan sebarang tuntutan walaupun yang menentang dasar awal yang kita persetujui.”

Mahathir berpendapat bagi mengembalikan perpaduan Melayu untuk terus memberi sokongan pada kerajaan dalam PRU 13 akan datang ialah terus mengingati perjuangan dalam politik bukan untuk diri sendiri, bukan untuk cari tempat diri sendiri dan perjuangan dalam politik ialah untuk menjayakan segala janji-janji melalui dasar-dasar penubuhan parti.

“UMNO umpamanya mesti berjuang untuk agama, bangsa dan tanahair bukan untuk seseorang…itu bukan perjuangan UMNO tapi saya nampak sekarang ini perjuangan dalam UMNO tertumpu pada hendak menaikkan orang kesayangan mereka,’ tambahnya.

Bacaan lanjut ... klik sini

Monday, August 2, 2010

1 Parlimen, 1 Koperasi

KOTA KINABALU: Satu kawasan Parlimen boleh mempunyai lebih dari satu koperasi pemborong barangan kawalan asalkan mereka layak dan memenuhi syarat, kata Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Katanya cadangan untuk melaksanakan ‘1 koperasi pemborong barang kawalan, 1 parlimen’ diumumkan awal Julai ini dan sekarang ini dalam proses memanggil koperasi-koperasi yang berminat untuk berbincang bersama dengan Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM).

“Saya kata ‘1 koperasi pemborong barang kawalan, 1 parlimen’, itu minimum, kalau ada lagi yang layak, lebih pun tak apa.

“Tapi ini masih lagi tertakluk kepada syarat pemilihan walaupun ada lesen, seperti mempunyai kewangan yang kukuh dan boleh menyediakan pengangkutan serta mempunyai stor,” katanya selepas merasmikan ‘Coop Fest’ Zon Sabah 2010, di sini kelmarin.

Sebelum ini, Ismail berkata mereka melaksanakan konsep satu koperasi pemborong bagi setiap negeri, ataupun dua koperasi pemborong bagi negeri-negeri besar seperti Sabah, Sarawak dan Pahang.

Namun melihat kegiatan penipuan agak kurang di kalangan koperasi kerana mereka bukan menjalankan perniagaan untuk diri sendiri, maka kementerian telah menyuarakan hasrat untuk menambah ke setiap Parlimen iaitu 222 koperasi pemborong barang-barang kawalan termasuklah gula, gandum, minyak masak dan sebagainya.

“Setakat ini kita dah luluskan 24 koperasi pemborong barang-barang kawalan seluruh Malaysia, jadi melalui program setiap Parlimen ini kita akan perluaskan lagi.

“Sekarang kita dah mula, sesiapa yang berminat boleh memohon kepada kementerian melalui negeri-negeri, dan mereka akan syorkan kepada ibu pejabat untuk kelulusan,” katanya.

Dalam perkembangan lain, beliau berkata kementerian juga bercadang untuk mewajibkan kursus jangka pendek untuk semua ahli lembaga pengarah koperasi selaras dengan teras melahirkan ‘pemilik’ dan pemimpin koperasi yang profesional.

“Sekarang ini tak wajib, jadi kita nak wajibkan supaya sekurang-kurangnya mereka tahu bagaimana nak menguruskan mesyuarat, audit akaun dan sebagainya. Sasaran kita adalah mengurangkan gejala salah laku di kalangan pemilik tidak lebih daripada lima peratus, kurangkan ketidakpatuhan kepada peraturan SKM,” jelas beliau.

Terdahulu dalam ucapannya, beliau berkata koperasi-koperasi di Sabah telah memainkan peranan dalam menstabilkan harga barangan pengguna khususnya di kawasan pendalaman.

Mengambil contoh sebuah koperasi induk di Keningau melalui program pemborongan dan peruncitan, beliau berkata koperasi ini telah menyelaras pembelian barangan pengguna secara pukal bagi koperasi-koperasi peserta, sekaligus mengurangkan harga belian dan memanfaatkan anggota koperasi dan penduduk setempat.

Sumber: New Sabah Times

Teachers and politics don't mix said YB Datuk Masidi Manjun

Source: Sabah Daily Express

Kota Kinabalu: Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun is concerned that the move to allow the teaching fraternity to get involved in politics will have serious repercussions on education in Sabah.

While he is not against the idea that was mooted by the Federal Government, he cautioned that if it is not properly managed, it could affect the education system in Sabah, which is still in its infancy.

He was commenting on the statement by Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, on Tuesday that beginning Aug 1, graduate education service officers (teachers) on Grades DG41 to DG48 will be permitted to engage in politics.

He feared that if the teachers were too engrossed in politics, they would neglect their duty as teachers.

"Bear in mind that they are paid to be teachersÉso, their main work is to teach," he told reporters in a press conference at Wisma Tun Fuad, here, Friday.

However, he said the move would probably set some guidelines as to the level of the teachers' participation in politics.

"Because if it is a full time occupation, then he (a teacher) has to resign (from his teaching profession)," he said.

To his understanding, Masidi said teachers are probably allowed to join a political party of their own choice and contribute their ideas to its development.

At one time, he said teachers played a very important role in the community they served not only as academic instructors but also as mediators to settle disputes, among others.

Nevertheless, he said the role of teachers had changed as the years went by.

He hoped the Government would monitor the teachers from time to time to determine whether it made a good decision to allow them to participate in politics.

He said if teachers could provide service to the people via their involvement in politics, then there is nothing wrong for them to do so.

In a political party hierarchy, he said it is only natural for anyone, including the teachers, to aspire for position.

"If this comes true, I just hope it would not affect their performance as teachers," he said.

Masidi also said not all teachers would have similar inclination when comes to political party.

Some may join parties of the ruling government while others the opposition.

In this respect, he hoped there would be no grouping among the teachers due to different political ideology.

"I am just worried of the repercussions (of the move to allow teachers to engage in politics) in Sabah," he said.

After achieving independence for more than 40 years, he said Sabah is still trying to catch up with the rest of the states in the country in terms of education.

Meanwhile, Pensiangan PKR deputy chief, Affendy Abdullah @ Angindih Tukang, described the decision to allow graduate education service officers to be involved in politics as an unwise move which would distract teachers from their duties.

"The announcement by the Chief Secretary to the Government was shocking, considering that the teachers' duties and responsibilities are already challenging which need their full attention.

"I agree with political analyst Prof. Aziz Bari that the Government's move is wrong and maybe a bit desperate on their side, to the extent of permitting teachers to join politics despite shouldering many responsibilities.

"This move is illogicalÉthe announcement has become a joke," said the former teacher, stressing that Regulation 21 of the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993 must be abolished.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

BN masih lagi relevan – TPM

KUALA LUMPUR 3 Julai – Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menegaskan, Barisan Nasional (BN) masih lagi relevan walaupun dalam senario politik yang berubah dengan beberapa negeri jatuh ke tangan pakatan pembangkang.

Beliau yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi BN berkata, gabungan yang mewakili 13 parti komponen itu masih boleh diharap untuk memerintah negara ini kerana ia diwujudkan atas dasar perkongsian kuasa berasaskan muafakat dan perjuangan mewakili semua kaum di negara ini.

‘‘Dalam keadaan senario politik yang sudah berubah selepas pilihan raya umum 2008, saya hendak menegaskan bahawa BN masih berdaya maju dan ia juga adalah parti yang mesti dipilih.

‘‘Ini kerana BN adalah parti yang sudah teruji sepanjang masa. Takkan rakyat yang memilih kita setiap kali pilihan raya melakukan kesilapan dan mesti ada kebaikan terhadap dasar ekonomi, pendidikan, sosial dan kebudayaan kita ,” katanya.

Beliau berucap merasmikan Mesyuarat Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Lembah Pantai di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir Ketua UMNO Bahagian Lembah Pantai, Senator Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin.

Dalam pada itu, Muhyiddin yang juga Timbalan Presiden UMNO berkata, dalam situasi pengundi yang mempunyai pemikiran berbeza berikutan perkembangan teknologi maklumat, BN tidak harus membuang semua dasar perjuangannya sebelum ini.

‘‘Ini penting kerana masalah yang kita hadapi sekarang, bukan kerana BN tidak baik dan bukan kerana dasar perjuangannya tidak betul,” katanya.

Sebaliknya, kata beliau, dasar muafakat BN perlu dikekalkan dan gabungan itu harus diperkukuhkan dengan meminda Perlembagaannya bagi membolehkan parti-parti lain menjadi rakan.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan , Muhyiddin yakin sokongan pengundi terhadap BN boleh dipulihkan sekiranya persepsi salah rakyat bahawa dasar ekonomi, pendidikan dan sosial sekarang hanya mengutamakan kaum- kaum tertentu diperbetulkan.

Sumber Utusan Malaysia

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Pendapat/Pandangan yang ingin dikemukakan:


Pada malam 21hb September, 2003 Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, yang pada waktu itu masih bergelaDato' Seri yang berjawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, telah hadir di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia untuk melancarkan Ensiklopaedia Dr. Mahathir yang diterbitkan oleh sebuah syarikat di Kahirah, Mesir. Di bawah ini diturunkan ucapan aluan yang telah saya sampaikan pada malam itu yang menyentuh sedikit sebanyak mengenai empat Perdana Menteri sehingga hari itu. Ikutilah ucapan yang saya sampaikan di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ucapan ini mungkin relevan untuk semua ahli-ahli politik baik yang muda atau pun yang sudah dewasa atau lama.

YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi,
Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia,
Y. A. B. Menteri Besar Pahang,
Y. B. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri,
Y. B. Timbalan-Timbalan Menteri,
Setiausaha-Setiausaha Parlimen,
Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat,
Honourable Rector,
The Administrative and Academic Staff of the University,
Dr. Hassan El-Zein, The Publisher of the Encyclopaedia,
Honour Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen.

International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) - The Place of Launching.

Tonight is a historic night. I welcome all of you to this event.

The international Islamic University Malaysia is honoured to be chosen by the Prime Minister's Department to host the launching of the Encyclopedia of Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.

Many personalities, from all over the the world, have been proposed to do the launching. For that honour, we chose Y. A. B. Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi who has been chosen by the Prime Minister as his successor.

Putra World Trade Center (PWTC) - Venue for Launching

There was also a request to shift the venue for this event to the Putra World Trade Centre, whih is considered to be the most eventful place in the nation and for Dr. Mahathir during his tenure as President of Univeted Malaysia National Organization ( UMNO ), Chairman of Barisan National and the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

I resisted this proposal. I have great respect and fond memories for PWTC myself, where great events have taken place, tears have been shed, sorrows expressed, interspersed with gigles and laughter. In that great Merdeka Hall, national leaders, budding leaders, and leaders of the world have gathered, expressing their hopes, lamenting on the sufferings of their people and delivering their historical remarks and speeches.

But Dr. Mahathir performed his last act as the UMNO President in that hall, maybe his last act as Prime Minister if no other event involving him takes place in that hall before 31st October, 2003.

The PWTC is now entrusted by Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir to Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi.

Moving Into Global Arena

Mahathir is moving into the Global arena, particularly the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). This IIUM's hall is therefore his new arena, his place, as the International Islamic University is an OIC sponsored institution, funded and managed by Malaysia, the building of which started during Dr. Mahathir's leadership.

My commentaries tonight are based on what I have learnt after 47 years of knowing, observing, learning and understanding Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad. Please bear wih me.

The Successor

I have learnt somewhere that a leader leaves the stage of leadership as a hero or a villain depending on who his successor is, should he die or be assassinated in office, or who oversees his burial.

But Mahathir is succeeded by a friend, by a friend who is a friend of his father, a friend of his many friends, a friend who will not forget him after his departure.

(Ramalan dalam para yang berwarna merah ini ternyata salah - Sanusi )


Many students of politics and teachers of political science think that they can do better and be better speakers and orators, if they are Members of Parliament.

Members of Parliament think, on the other hand, that they should become Parliamentary Secretaries in order to show their prowess, by bullying the opposition, when they could, during question time.

Parliamentary Secretaries wonder why the Prime Minister makes the grievous mistake of overlooking them each time there is a promotion exercise.

Deputy Ministers wonder whether they should succeed as Ministers or change ministries when the promotion comes, and probably wait for the Prime Minister to go and hope that the new Prime Minister will not be so 'ignorant' as to not give them the chance.

In all the graveyards of history and prisons of the world, there is no lack of ambitious politicians who think they should be Prime Ministers. Even heads of opposition parties cannot be barred from the dream and imagination of occupying the seat of power.

Islam as a Revealed Religion.

But this university is a different place, a different theater and a different arena.

This is a place where we accept Islam, as a religion from Allah s.w.t., as a revelation and not just a subject for intellectual rivalries or for orientalists.

We also believe that there is a divine role in the choice of leaderships.

Dato' Onn Jaafar

Had men had their ways, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia would have been Dato' Onn Jaafar as he was the founder of UMNO.

He certainly would like to have been the Prime Minister of Independent Malaya but he was not. It was not in the divine plan that he would be one.

Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj.

Tunku Abdul Rahman was an unassuming happy go lucky man, who was persuaded by Tun Abdul Razak and friends to accept the leadership of UMNO and to eventually become Prime Minister of Malaysia.

He needed persuasion to accept the post.

Tunku was not known to be a very brilliant man but he turned out to be a brilliant Prime Minister and the founding father of Malaysia.

The Tunku lived much longer after his retirement and he would not have retired, as he was happy in his job, and even called himself as the happiest Prime Minister in the world. How could he depart from such happiness?

His many friends would not let him go.

Although Tunku was very proud of the racial harmony formula that he germinated, it was the racial riot, not harmony, of 13th May, 1969 which put him out of office.

Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.

In actuality, it was not because of the tragedy of 13th May that Tunku had to resign. It was a divine will. Simply, it was Tun Abdul Razak's turn.

Tun Abdul Razak appointed Tun Dr. Ismail to be his deputy. Many at that time thought it was a risky move as Tun Dr. Ismail had challenged him once for the deputy presidency of UMNO. But Tun Ismail did not challenge Tun Abdul Razak when he became Tun Abdul Razak's deputy.

Tun Ismail was respectful of Tun Abdul Razak to whom he owed his appointment. He was given the Home Ministry portfolio which carried a heavy responsibility but lacking in popularity. You can only award places or projects related to guns and bullets, prisons and gallows, to your supporters. Tun Dr. Ismail died in office.

Tun Hussein Onn.

Tun Abdul Razak then chose Tun Hussein as his deputy. Being older than Tun Abdul Razak and married to the elder sister of Tun Abdul Razak's wife, Tun Hussein was expected to retire before Tun Abdul Razak. But Tun Abdul Razak knew better, as he kept to himself his suffering of a fatal disease. Tun Abdul Razak wanted Tun Hussein to succeed him.

Since Tun Dr. Ismail was not on the divine list to be a Prime Minister, he died before the sickly Tun Abdul Razak. Tun Hussein was on the divine list to be a Prime Minister. So Tun Abdul Razak passed away. It was not Tun Abdul Razak's plan, it was divine.

It was then Tun Hussein's turn to choose a Deputy Prime Minister. There were three candidates, from among three Vice Presidents of UMNO, on the list. The most popular, with the highest vote, was Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. The oldest and the second most popular was Tun Ghafar Baba, the third choice was Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

It was easy to understand Tun Husseins's rejection of Tun Ghafar if we remember that Tun Ghafar was one of the prominent opponents to Tun Husseins's father Dato' Onn Jaafar, in the UMNO crisis of 1951. Tun Hussein's memory of his father's grief was a disadvantage to Tun Ghafar.

I could not think of why Tengku Razaleigh was not chosen except that Tengku Razaleigh was a bachelor and I don't think Tun Hussein would feel comfortable having a very able bachelor around his office when he had two beautiful, unmarried daughters.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Tun Hussein chose Dr. Mahathir, with Dr. Siti Hasmah tailing behind. He liked this charming couple. He knew that a good leader needs a good and supportive wife and Datin Seri Dr. Siti Hasmah is such a wife.

While you might love and admire Dr. Mahathir for his achievements, you must not forget that Dr. Mahathir was Tun Hussein's best decision or best project as a Prime Minister.

Tun Hussein would have been Prime Minister for much longer had it not been for his cardiac surgery. As a cardiac patient myself, I was informed during the second, third or fourth month after a surgery, a cardiac patient is bound to be emotionally unstable. It would be the wrong time to decide on a divorce, to sell a property or to resign from a post, whatever the problems faced during that period. It was a divine wish that Tun Hussein resigned during this recuperation period, giving way to Dr. Mahathir.

Mahathir's Deputies

Dr. Mahathir had many deputies.

With Dr. Mahathir's help, Tan Sri Musa Hitam defeated Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in a contest for the post of Deputy President of UMNO , thereby becoming Deputy Prime Minister. Tan Sri Musa would have been Prime Minister had he not felt uncomfortable winning his post with Dr. Mahathir's help, had he been patient and waited longer. But Tan Sri Musa was also suspicious that Dr. Mahathir was grooming Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Tan Sri Musa miscalculated, resigned and opposed Dr. Mahathir.

When Tan Sri Musa stepped down, Dr. Mahathir picked Tun Ghafar to succeed Tan Sri Musa.

But Tun Ghafar, as Tan Sri Musa, was not divinely destined to be the future Prime Minister. Tun Ghafar was defeated by Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar - Abdullah

Had Tan Sri Musa ascended to the post of Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Bahawi would have been his deputy. They were very close friends.

Had Dato' Seri Anwar become a Prime Minister then Dao' Seri Abdullah would have been sent as permanent ambassador to one of the states in Africa or the Middle East, as both are from the same state and could not be a deputy to one another, especially when Dato' Seri Abdullah is also much older than Dato' Seri Anwar.

My grandfather used to remind me not to stand in the way, or the path, of any man who is divinely destined for greater things.

Being a Foreign Minister when Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim was in crisis, Dato' Seri Abdullah was away when everything happened.

Mahathir, Abdullah And Anwar

Dato' Seri Abdullah is therefore untainted and one cannot see, the mark of his palm, the bruises, and the dent of his finger in the wounds of the man who owed so much to Dr. Mahathir and from whom Dr. Mahathir suffered so many bruises and tormenting hidden wounds.

It is obvious that in the divine list of names of Prime Ministers of Malaysia, up till now, no other name appears near the horizeon except for Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Bahawi.

Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi

Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi is therefore the right choice to launch the Encyclopaedia of Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad. As I said earlier, Dato' Seri Abdullah is Dr. Mahathir's chosen successor.

Malaysia and Palestine

Malaysia and Palestine were two nations colonized by the British. Both wanted independence after the Second World War. Just as the Jew of Europe settled in Palestine after the Second World War, the Chinese and Indian immigrants migrated to Malaysia before and after the First and The Second World Wars.

Some ran away from the sufferings in their own land, others were brought to serve their colonial masters, while still others came for new opportunities.

The natives of Palestine and Malaysia were frightened of the immigrants, for if there were too many of them, they might have political agendas to dominate the land. As such, the move towards independence accelerated.

The Palestinian leaders made a mistake that Malaysian leaders managed to overcome. The Palestinians rejected any idea of accepting the Jews as citizens, until the Jews were strong enough to reject the Palestinians from becoming citizens of their own land. But Malaysia willingly recognized the benefits of having, and accepting, all immigrants as citizens by stages, so long as the natives or Bumiputeras are in the majority.

Politics Of Gratification, Worry And Fear

There was a time in Malaysia's post independent history when the Malays and later the Bumiputeras, the Chinese and the Indians were living in gratification, worry and fear, and all politics were geared towards highlighting the gratification, reducing the worries and eliminating the fears.

The Malays were gratified with their domination and predominance in occupying political positions in the government, worried about their progress in the economy and afraid of losing political power before progressing satisfactorily in the economic fields.

The Chinese were gratified with their economic dominance, worried of the erosion in their political stature due to infighting and afraid of the Bumiputera's progress in the corporate sector with the fear that the Bumiputeras 's shares might encroach on their dominant percentage.

The Indians were gratified playing the role of mediators in the big and small Sino-Malay conflicts, worried about not having even one parliamentary seat with an Indian majority and afraid of their non performance in economy and education.

Elimination Of Fear, Worry And Complacency

While component parties in the ruling coalition continue soothing the fears, eliminating the worries and taming down the excitement in gratification, the opposition parties spent much time in facilitating, confirming and exaggerating the fears and worries of the different races in the populace by belittling the achievements and the reasons for gratification, and highlighting the faults and failures of the ruling party.

The Five Prime Ministers

The three previous Prime Ministers, the present Prime Minister Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and our immediate future Prime Minister have certain similarities and differences.

The first three Prime Ministers were all smokers, Dr. Mahathir does not smoke and I have never seen Dato' Seri Abdullah smoking. In the contest on smoking, the score is probably three-two.

Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein were all lawyers, Dr. Mahathir is not a lawyer, he is a doctor. Dato' Seri Abdullah is a civil servant. By being a civil servant, he followed the foot-steps of the Tunku who was a member of the Kedah Civil Service and Tun Abdul Razak who was from the Malaysian Civil Service. We have three lawyers here against two non-lawyers. We also have three civil servants, one from the state, against two practicing professionals in the legal and medical service.

The first three Prime Ministers were all educated in Britain, the fourth and the fifth are local graduates. You can never expect the first three to look East, at the ginza, maruzen and tempura, and not at Foyles, Oxford Street, Marble Arch or Hyde Park Corner or even at Tottenham Court Road.

Similarities in The Five Past, Present and Future Prime Ministers.

But in two aspects, the five of them appear to be similar:

1) They do their best, the best they can, in whatever is expected of them, and

2) They are honest leaders, not hypocrites. They do not behave lime chameleon which changes colour to suit the environment of to please others. They are transpartent and we know them as they really are.

These are their strengths and also their weaknesses. I know all five of them personally.

I joined UMNO on 13th October, 1963 when Tunku Abdul Rahman was the Prime Minister, I became a Member of Parliament during Tun Abdul Razak's premiership, was appointed as Deputy Minister by Tun Hussein Onn and became a Minister and Chief Minister ( Menteri Besar ) during Dr. Mahathir's premiership.

Dato' Seri Abdullah, the only member of the National Operation Council (NOC) which ruled the country under Tun Abdul Razak's leadership, after the 13th May racial riot, who is still active in the government. I know him since I was a youth leader and he was the Director of Youth in the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports.

I even know that it was Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi's grandfather, Haji Abdullah Fahim who suggested to Tun Saadon, the UMNO youth leader at that time, deputised by Dato' Seri Abdullah's father, Hj. Ahmad Badawi, the date 31st August 1957 as the date of our nation's independence.

Dr. Mahathir in 1956 - Langkawi

I knew Dr. Mahathir much longer although he was not aware of me when I visited him with my cough problem at a dispensary in Langkawi when he went to work in 1956 as a newly qualified doctor. We have the same birthday, 13th July, with 18 years difference. Of course, he is older than me.

Little To Say On The Encyclopedia

In launching the Encyclopaedia of Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, there is little that I can say which you cannot read for yourself. He is one of the most written about leaders in the Muslim world. If you do not like this encyclopaedia, you would not be here tonight.

What I have said is just what Y. A. B. Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi cannot say, as it involves him.

The Encyclopaedia in 4500 AD

But I must add that:

In the year 4500 AD, this encyclopaedia will be as old, then, as the Iliaad is now, being written by Homer about 2500 years ago before the fifth century B. C..

While Julius is remembered for the ruins of Caesar, Pompei for his own ruins, and the brutish Hitler by his autobahn, Dr. Mahathir will not be linked to any battle fought in history, as described in such great and famous books of war commentaries of Julius Caesar, Plutarch's lives and Napoleon's campaigns. This great encyclopaedia is different.

Dr. Mahathir is known to condemn war and wished to make war illegal.

Mahathir's Monuments

His monuments such as the Petronas Twin Tower, the Kuala Lumpur International Aairport, Formula One circuit, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, the highways, the ports, the trains, the Penang Bridge and other bridges, the many mosques, the Protons and other vehicles, should be remembered in the future, not as ruins, as he had not hurt anyone to deserve the destruction of his creation.

Mahathir's Policies On Attitude And Economic Development

His many policies should be studied and understood after which, what is not relevant for any period should be amended, tailored or discarded for better alternatives. After all, he his human.

Mahathir's Foreign Policy

His foreign policy is his strength, for he practiced free speech, so aggressively free that he annoyed even the descendants of the founder of the idea of free speech.

Mahathir's Strength

What is his strength? It is his ability to recognize a man's ability. Once recognized, he will trust and support the man until the man defaulted. By this trusting quality in him, he entrusted more and more responsibility to thos e who came and performed in his way. This trust of his is often questined by many, especially those who could not earn his trust as he had never known them, or the abilities of those who wish to be trusted do not include the ability to get near him or be introduced to him.

Those who know him close enough will also know that he keeps his words. He struggled alone, for one whole year, to put me as the Menteri Besar ( Chief Ministry ) of Kedah despite all odds.

He kept a letter written by the wife of one his great adversary and refused to release it, even when he could have demolished the adversary's reputation by just releasing it, just because he had promised to the writer, during better times, to keep the letter as a secret document.

A Fighting Mahathir

Dr. Mahathir is a fighter. Not being an economist, he challenged the economists of the International Monerary Fund (IMF), went against them by managing Malaysia's economy in ourown pragmatic way and proved the IMF wrong. He won the admiration of the world and even the IMF now admitted their erroneous policies.

Mahathir's Weakness

What is his weakness? It is the weakness of those he trusted.

All criticisms labelled against him, as I sudied them yes, I now have a lot of time to study them, are the failures or the betrayals of those he trusted. Dr. Mahathir took too long to recognise the mistakes, or was too careful to act immediately for fear of misjudgement.

Yes. Sex, power and wealth do metamorphosise man.

One can only choose a man for his known good qualities at the time of choosing but one cannot control the metamorphosis.

Being Human

If Dr. Mahathir appears to have forgiven or tolerated such failures or betrayals, now or later, when he has left his office, it is a sign that besides being strong, he is also human.

This encyclopaedia is a national monument of a man who does not only speak and write, but perform. He is a patriotic Muslim.

This encyclopaedia is a testimony of the many battles fought without the casualty of human deaths and sufferings, and without destroying the battle grounds. It is a war documentary for the minds of man.

Mahathir ............ the Malays, the Malaysians and the ummah are proud of you.

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Turun Padang Antara Ciri Penting Wakil Rakyat: PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Rajin turun padang, adalah antara empat ciri utama yang perlu ada pada setiap wakil rakyat bagi membolehkan mereka diterima secara menyeluruh oleh rakyat, kata Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Menurut beliau, seseorang wakil rakyat perlu rajin turun padang untuk meninjau sendiri masalah rakyat di kawasan mereka.

"Bunyinya mudah tetapi kadang-kadang tidak juga dilakukan oleh kita dengan sepenuhnya," katanya dan menambah, seorang wakil rakyat juga mesti mudah dihubungi serta dapat menyelesaikan masalah rakyat.

"Mereka juga mesti sentiasa menunaikan janji sebagai wakil rakyat. Characteristic seperti ini patut ada sebagai wakil rakyat," katanya semasa melancarkan Malam Amal Badan Amal Selangor (Kasih), di Hotel Grand Dorsett, di Subang Jaya dekat sini, malam ini.

Turut hadir isteri Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor merangkap Yang DiPertua Kasih; Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Datuk Seri Noh Omar; dan isteri Noh, yang juga merupakan Naib Yang Dipertua Kasih, Profesor Datin Seri Dr Aishah Salleh.

Najib berkata, isteri wakil rakyat dan bekas-bekas pemimpin juga perlu sentiasa bergerak aktif dalam badan-badan amal seperti Kasih kerana ia boleh 'complement' tugas dan tanggungjawab suami mereka sebagai pemimpin masyarakat.

Program-program amal yang dilakukan ini selaras dengan apa yang selama ini ditekankan oleh kerajaan, selain merupakan salah satu prinsip utama yang ditekankan dalam Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB) yang dilancarkan hari ini, katanya.

Beliau berkata, MEB menekankan supaya pembangunan negara bersifat 'inclusive', iaitu tidak ada mana-mana rakyat yang akan disisihkan, ditinggalkan dan dipinggirkan daripada mendapat manfaat pembangunan dan pembaharuan yang akan diusahakan di negara ini.

Bagi menjayakan pembangunan 'inclusive' itu, bukan sahaja kerajaan perlu menentu dan melaksanakan program-program amal, tetapi NGO seperti Kasih juga diharap dapat membantu mencapai objektif ini melalui aktiviti dan program anjurannya, kata Najib.

"Jadi melalui jaringan sosial seperti ini lebih ramai orang kurang upaya, golongan daif dan kurang upaya dapat dibantu, dan dengan ini pembangunan secara inclusive dapat dicapai," katanya. Perdana Menteri berkata wakil rakyat, sebagai suami pula perlu redha sekiranya para isteri tidak ada di rumah kerana membuat kerja-kerja amal.

"Kalau buat kerja amal kita redhalah...tetapi kalau perkara-perkara lain kena buat permohonan dululah," katanya yang disambut tepukan tetamu yang hadir.

Terdahulu Rosmah dalam ucapannya menyeru supaya lebih ramai isteri pemimpin dan mantan pemimpin Barisan Nasional (BN) di Selangor tampil menjadi ahli Kasih yang kini hanya mempunyai keahlian kira-kira 70 orang.

Beliau berkata, Kasih mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam menzahirkan komitmen isteri para pemimpin untuk menyumbangkan bakti kepada rakyat Selangor, khususnya kaum wanita dan kanak-kanak bagi membantu mereka dalam aspek kebajikan dan kemasyarakatan.

"Janganlah masa kita berkuasa masing-masing berebut ke depan tetapi bila kuasa tiada di tangan puan-puan hanya duduk menyepi," katanya.

Rosmah berkata, isteri pemimpin mempunyai peranan untuk membantu suami sebagai pemimpin dalam mendekati dan mendampingi rakyat agar sama-sama memahami rintihan dan keluhan mereka.

Kepada para suami pula, Rosmah turut berharap dapat menggalakkan isteri masing-masing untuk mendaftar dan bergiat aktif dalam aktiviti-aktiviti Kasih.

Sempena majlis itu, sejumlah RM2.8 juta berjaya dikutip dan akan diagih-agihkan kepada golongan kurang bernasib baik di Selangor. - BERNAMA

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kekalkan jawatan Pengerusi BN Parlimen Ranau

Dalam kenyataan akhbar yang disiarkan dalam akhbar tempatan di sini baru-baru ini, Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Ranau yang dipimpin oleh Ketua Pemuda, Saudara Faez Ainstein Nordin, berharap desas desus berkaitan pertukaran jawatan Pengerusi BN oleh parti komponen BN lain adalah tidak benar . Ini kerana secara tradisinya sejak dahulu lagi jawatan Pengerusi BN di bahagian diterajui oleh UMNO iaitu Ketua UMNO Bahagian masing-masing dan ia seharusnya tidak akan ada berlaku perubahan dan perlu dikekalkan.

Di Parlimen Ranau, jawatan Pengerusi BN pada masa ini disandang oleh YB Datuk Masidi Manjun Menteri Pelancongan Kebudayaan dan Alam Sekitar Sabah yang juga Ketua UMNO Bahagian Ranau merangkap wakil rakyat DUN Karanaan.

Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Ranau sentiasa berada dihadapan untuk mempertahankan agar Pengerusi BN Parlimen Ranau dikekalkan kerana rekod kerja pemimpin-pemimpin yang diterajui oleh UMNO itu sendiri sebenarnya berjaya membawa keharmonian dan perpaduan yang cukup baik di Ranau.

Jikalau desas-desus ini benar, Pemuda UMNO Ranau bimbang ini akan menimbulkan banyak masalah khususnya di peringkat akar umbi dan kesannya akan dirasai pada Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) nanti.

Sebeanrnya, perkara ini tidak perlu disentuh untuk kebaikan bersama, yang paling utama adalah mengekalkan momentum sokongan rakyat terhadap BN perlu diteruskan. Semua wakil rakyat di Ranau yang masing-masing terdiri daripada parti UMNO, UPKO, dan PBS telah menunjukkan komitmen dan usaha kerja keras membela nasib rakyat sejak dari dahulu lagi.

Jadi, tidak perlulah menyentuh 'Jawatan Pengerusi BN" ini lagi. Banyak isu-isu setempat yang lain seharusnya diselesaikan dahulu daripada menjadi hero merebut jawatan yang ini. Jangan menjolok sarang tebuan jika rakyat Ranau sudah selesa dengan peranan yang diambil oleh Pengerusi BN sedia ada.